Report Writing Services Company India

Each type of report requires complete information on the given subject matter. Unlike other types of writings, the audience expect to get relevant knowledge from a report. At the same time, it should be kept attached to the reading from the beginning until the end. Therefore, an ideal report needs to be informative and interesting simultaneously.

Basic Structure of a Report

Types of reports vary greatly depending on the stream of research, i.e. a report on some FMCG topics is different from a report on the target market analysis. However, in general, following aspects are inevitable in all types of reports:

  • Title page: This page only contains the title of the report and its writers
  • Abstract: Next to the title page, the writer needs to write an abstract of the whole paper. It is written in 200-300 words. It contains the whole report in a summary form.
  • Table of content (TOC): It contains all major headings and subheading with the page number where they could be found.
  • Introduction: It described the necessity of the report. By reading it, the reader will come to know about the analytical procedure that you have adopted to work on the topic.
  • Main body: It is the major part of a report writing. Here,we describe the full topic and analyze the topic as the guidelines. It is further divided into several headings and subheadings.
  • Conclusion: It is the part of a report where you need to suggest something as per the analysis in the main body.
  • Recommendation: Here you need to draw a course of action depending on your conclusion. This part may not be necessary for many reports.
  • Reference: All references should written downwhich have been used to write the report. The referencing style should follow the guidelines.
  • Appendices: Any information in form of chart, table, image, etc. are to be placed in this part but in the main body proper index is to be maintained.